Side Plank Pose

The side plank pose is also known as vasisthasana. This yoga pose is a wrist and arm strengthener. It also works amazingly in enhancing your sense of balance. This yogic posture with the top leg raised perpendicularly to the ground is considered difficult for the beginners. The posture described below can be performed under the guidance of a professional.

How to Perform the Pose

Step 1 – On your yoga mat, start with adho mukha svanasana. Shift on the outer edge of the left foot and stack the right foot on the left one. Swing the right arm on the right hip while turning the torso towards the right. Support the bodyweight on the left foot and hand.

Step 2 – The supporting hand should not be exactly under the shoulder. Keep the hand positioned in front of your shoulder such that the supporting arm is relatively angled to the ground. Keep the arms straight by keeping the tricep muscles straight. Press the index finger base strongly against the ground.

Step 3 – Keep the sacrum and the scapula against your torso’s back. Keep the thighs firm while pressing the heels towards the ground. Align the body in a diagonal line from the crown to the heel.

Step 4 – If you want, then you can stretch your arm up towards the roof keeping them parallel to the shoulders. Keep your head in a position that is neutral. Make sure to keep the arms and your head in the posture mentioned. Balance the posture with utmost firmness to avoid any kind of disturbed balance which might lead to unnecessary falling and being injured.

Step 5 – Keep the position for around 15 to 30 seconds. Now, get back to adho mukha svanasana and repeat the same on the other side. Stay in the position for the same time span. You can increase the time with practice as you master the pose. Once you master this pose, you can try out a complicated version of the same.


  • Makes your arms, legs, and belly strong
  • Makes your waist strengthened while stretching it as well
  • Enhances your sense of balance and improves posture
  • Stretches your leg’s back and makes the muscles strong

Mistakes and Contradictions

If you are someone who is suffering from any kind of elbow, shoulder or wrist injury, then you must not indulge in practicing this pose. You can try these poses instead. In case of a minor injury, you must first consult a physician and then proceed. Also, to avoid mistakes, you can easily follow this step-by-step guide or have an expert trainer to guide you well.

How to Perform It Perfectly

Being a beginner, you might face difficulty in sustaining the pose even when you stay pressed to support. Having the guidance of a professional while practicing the posture while taking the support of a wall might help you in your initial days. Clubbing a comfortable yoga Capri with one of your comfortable cotton shirts can help you easily practice the pose without any discomfort.

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